Chase Defense is Analox’s U.S. distributor and offer’s in-house product support and training.

Sub Aspida

This rugged and robust analyzer detects both carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) in pressurized environments from high altitudes to beneath the waves. Due to it’s size, it is perfect as a secondary monitor.


The ACG+ simultaneously scans for O2, CO2, CO, VOCs and water vapor, making it one of the most versatile tools any vessel can utilize. The automatic data log and automatic safety shutoff features (if enabled by the user) provide additional security and peace of mind for decision makers.

DAMS - Distributed Atmosphere Monitoring System

Every vessel has unique gas monitoring needs and requires an analytical tool with the versatility to be configured to each vessel’s individual requirements. Each state-of-art DAMS unit is flexible, robust and fully configurable and can monitor up to six different gases simultaneously from one centralized PLC (programmable logic controller) panel.